Anxiety free dental extractions

Oral Surgery

Dr Rashmi Sain - OraCare Cosmetic Dental Clinic Gurgaon

Tooth Extraction

When it comes to painless and comfortable extractions, OraCare is most trusted.

Causes of teeth extraction –

  • Grossly decayed teeth
  • Impacted teeth
  • Gum disease
  • Over crowded teeth (planned extraction for orthodontics)
  • Fractured tooth that cannot be saved
  • Tooth involved with cysts and tumours

Typically for a simple extraction our surgeon will give you some post extraction instructions that are for 24-48 hours so that the treatment area is allowed to clot, the soft tissue around the surgical site takes 3-4 weeks to heal.

For a surgical extraction where the bone and gum incision is involved the recovery process is a bit longer but with the help of a skilled professional, good follow up instructions and medication patient starts feeling better very soon.

Cyst Removal

Dental cysts can be periapical, dentigerous or odontogenic keratocyst types. Dentigerous cysts being very common mostly formed in areas of impacted third molars and maxillary canines. Once detected it should be removed surgically and patient heals well.